Continents Mock Test Malayalam
Continents Mock Test Malayalam

Continents Mock Test Malayalam; Hey, friends here we give the quiz about 7 continents details. These mock tests contain 100 unique and most relevant questions and answers.
If you practice all the mock test you will get a high rank in all competitive exams. Did You know we have 7 continents Asia, African, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia? (from the largest size to smallest) The largest continent is Asia and the smallest continent is Australia.
Here you can practice all continents quiz for free. The mock test contains rank making questions and answers. It's useful to get a high rank in your Kerala PSC Plus Two and Degree Level Preliminary exams as well as LDC, LGS, Fireman, Police Constable, Civil Excise and it's also informative to all degree level exams. Practice all the quizzes about 7 continents to get full knowledge. The mock tests are given below.
Basic Fact's About ContinentsAsia Continent
Africa Continent
North-South America
Antarctica Continent
Europe Continent
Australia Continent
We know this mock test is useful to you. If you have any suggestions or any doubts just add a comment below. Wish you a good day.
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